Interested in Joining the GST Board or a Committee?

Love Grandstreet Theatre and looking for new ways to give back? Consider joining our Board or one of the committees that help make the magic happen behind the scenes! From planning events to shaping the future of our theatre, there are many ways you can make a meaningful impact. Your passion and support can help Grandstreet continue to thrive for years to come.

Thank you for your interest in serving Grandstreet! This linked form serves as a general interest application for either a GST board position or a GST board committee position (which includes both board members and non-board members). Committees include finance, facilities, fundraising, events, and grants.

Grandstreet Board Member Expectations

  • Attend monthly Board meetings (the first Monday of each month at 6 pm)
  • Serve on at least one committee (see expectations below)
  • Make a meaningful donation to the theatre annually
  • Be a Grandstreet Season Pass holder
  • Recruit sponsors and donors to support the Theatre
  • Share your time and talent on projects and events as needed
  • Attend the Annual Meeting held each September
New directors and officers officially take office at the Annual Meeting held at the end of September. Board members serve a three-year term and are encouraged ot serve a second term.

Grandstreet Committee Member Expectations

  • Regularly attend and participate in monthly committee meetings (times TBD)
  • Complete duties as assigned between monthly meetings


Again, we are so appreciative of your support and Grandstreet Theatre continues to grow we can’t wait to have you with us to help make the magic happen!